Judul asli : Chemische technologie Teknologi adalah ilmu tentang cara memperoleh dan mengolah bahan baku, produk-produk teknis serta fungsinya. Teknologi kimia terutama mencakup penggunaan proses …
Judul asli : Shreve's chemical process industries Buku ini menjadi sangat berharga bagi insinyur teknik kimia dan kimiawan muda yang baru saja bidang industri ini. Karena menyajikan proses-proses …
Masalah Pencemaran lingkungan, kini dirasakan semakin meningkat, terutama yang diakibatkan dari pembuangan limbah pabrik-pabrik. Pemerintah telah pula memerintahkan kepada para pimpinan pabrik/indu…
In the present book "Chemical Process Machinery," the organization the subject matter which had been adopted in the first edition, entitled "Chemical Machinery," remains unchanged. Like its predece…
This book present a balanced treatmen of modern theoritical and descriptive chemistry. A primary objective was to make the material understandable to the student without disorting or oversimplifica…
Judul asli : Principles of modern chemistry Buku "Prinsip-prinsip kimia modern jilid 1" merupakan buku jilid pertama dari buku "Principles of modern chemistry" yang telah di terjemahkan. Buku in…
This book has several potential uses. It is a college text designed to give the young chemical engineer some comprehension of the various fields into which he will enter, or with which he will be a…
Using an applications perspective Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications provides a unified framework for the development of various thermodynamic models, ranging from the classical model…
Judul asli : Organic chemistry Buku ajar ini bertujuan agar mampu menangani kuliah pengantar kimia organik untuk satu tahun suatu buku ajar yang dirancang untuk memandu mahasiswa dalam studi merek…
Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry begins with the common laboratory techniques. Actual syntheses are postponed until the student has gained sufficient knowledge of organic chemistry …