Pelantunan program PLTN di Indonesia rupanya tidak terbatas pada persoalan teknologi semata, tetapi berkaitan erat pula dengan isu-isu lainnya yang menyangkut kehidupan bangsa ini. Pendapat yang di…
This book for advance student combines reference grammar and practice exercises in a single volume. • Easy to use: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the facing page the…
A classic textbook for an introductory course in nuclear reactor analysis that introduces the nuclear engineering student to the basic scientific principles of nuclear fission chain reactions and l…
Judul asli : Essential English grammar Essential English grammar penuh dengan ringkasan dan penjelasan, usulan praktis tentang cara menghindarkan kesalahan umum dalam tata bahasa Inggris, fakta-…
A gripping narrative of nuclear mishaps and meltdowns around the globe, all of which have proven pivotal to the advancement of nuclear science. -- From the moment radiation was discovered in the la…
The software programs described in this volume are not only user friendly but the operating instructions for each program are virtually identical for each package. Hence, once the user becomes fami…
Materi yang disajikan dalam buku ini lebih ditekankan pada beberapa prinsip dasar yang agak luas. Mencakup prinsip dasar elektromagnetika dan elektromekanika, analisis fasor dan rangkaian tiga fasa…
This text is designed for a first course in introductory programming that emphasizes a structured approach and the development of problem-solving strategies to design programs. It follows closely t…
Written with future business people in mind, this text assumes a decision-making model for future managers
Buku ini mengupas teknik digital yang berkembang pesat dewasa ini, dimulai dari konsep yang paling sederhana (seperti asal-usul digital dan sistem bilangan), sampai dengan materi pendalaman yang ko…