Dalam buku ini Anda dapat menemukan tuntunan lengkap untuk membuat sendiri papan rangkaian cetak (Printed Circuit Board, PCB). Buku ini akan membantu Anda menentukan metoda yang paling praktis sesu…
Judul asli : Fundamental university physics Fisika adalah ilmu pengetahuan dasar yang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap semua ilmu lain. Karena itu, bukan hanya mahasiswa dengan bidang utama fisi…
This is a first course in classical electric and magnetic theory. In such a course there must always be a compromise between the need for presentation of the phenomena of electricity and magnetism …
Spektroskopi ultra-violet dan terlihat dapat memberikan keterangan gugus kromofor, yaitu gugus tidak jenuh kovalen yang terdapat dalam molekul. Spektroskopi infra merah memberikan informasi spektru…
Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi, ilmu Fisika yang membahas tentang materi dan energi beserta interaksinya dapat dikatakan sebagai ”pintu gerbang” Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK). …
Over recent years there has been marked growth in interest in the study of techniques of cosmic ray physics by astrophysicists and particle physicists. Cosmic radiation is important for the astroph…
This new text introduces the material of each process type by explaining the underlying chemical engineering (and physical) principles. For microelectronic processing courses the text progresses fr…
This text was developed for a fundamental first course in thermodynamics for engineers. For a number of reasons it departs from the classical, purely macroscopic approaches to the subject. Today's …
Much of the book includes recent material presented with a degree of integration and criticism not available in the original journal publications. Worked examples illustrate how one uses fundamenta…
Operation end Modeling of the MOS Transistor, 2/e carefully leads from physical principles to relevant working models of the MOS Transistors device. Models range from the very simple to sophisticat…