This book presents applications of chemistry specific to topics, issues, and problems relevant to environmental engineering. It is the companion volume to Chemistry for Environmental Engineering. C…
This book presents the basic principles of chemistry in a quick and clear presentation. All introductory chemistry topics are discussed, as are some organic chemistry topics, which are necessary fo…
This book reviews ionising radiation quantities and the relationships between them and discusses the principles underlying their measurement. The emphasis is on the determination of absorbed dose a…
Buku Occupational Safety and Health for Internal Radioactive Hazards- K3 Radiasi Nukir-2 ini merupakan referensi bagaimana memahami dan mengelola hazards radiasi di lingkungan kerja dari sudut pand…
This highly-readable account of the nature of the hazards presented by ionizing radiation and the methods of protection is an ideal introductory text for those new to the field, and for the non-spe…
Bibliografi : halaman 52 Buku ini merupakan terjemahan dari "Practical Radiation Technical manual, Workplace monitoring for radiation and contamination, IAEA, Nienna, 1995" Beberapa hal yang di…
Indeks. Bibliografi : halaman 66-67 Setiap kali mendengar kata radiasi nuklir umumnya pikiran kita langsung resah dan membayangkan hal-hal yang bersifat dahsyat, seram, dan menakutkan. Atau bany…
SIMULASI ANALISIS LAJU RADIASI KOSMIK DI WILAYAH UDARA PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA. Telah dibuat Simulasi Analisis Laju Radiasi Kosmik di Wilayah Udara Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta t…