Complexities of the requirements for accurate radiation dosimetry evaluation in both diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine (including PET) have grown over the past decade. This is due primari…
The authors of this text aim to educate the reader on nuclear power and its future potential. It focuses on nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, and their consequences, with t…
Nuclear medicine has become an ever-changing and expanding diagnostic and therapeutic medical profession. The day-to-day innovations seen in the field are, in great part, due to the integration of …
This unique handbook provides a comprehensive survey of the present status of Technetium chemistry and its radiopharmaceutical applications. All Technetium aspects such as * natural and artificial…
Dalam bidang medis, teknik radiografi umumnya digunakan untuk penegakan diagnosis terhadap suatu penyakit, baik itu untuk melihat kondisi organ di dalam tubuh atau untuk melihat cacat (misal tumor)…
This book provides a general introduction to the topic of buildings for resistance to the effects of abnormal loadings. The structural design requirements for nuclear facilities are very unique. In…