Buku ini ingin mengulas modernitas kita bukan dari segi material-empirisnya, seperti institusi sosial, teknik, industri atau gaya hidup, melainkan dari segi mentalitasnya, yaitu dari fundamen pemik…
The "Golden Book of Chemistry" is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of this fascinating subject. With clear explanations, engaging examples, and stunning illustrati…
Judul asli : Schaum's easy outlines beginning chemistry Setiap buku dalam seri ini adalah versi pendahulunya yang dikupas, disederhanakan, dan sangat terfokus. Buku ini singkat, padat dan jelas,…
In this revision, the authors have revised each chapter to incorporate recent research and scholarship, refined the prose style, greatly expanded the number of maps, selected many new illustrations…
Pembaruan signifikan dan konten baru pada edisi kedua ini antara lain: Tinjauan yang lebih luas mengenai keluarga penting padatan anorganik termasuk spinel, perovskit, piroklor, garnet, fase Ruddle…
Provides supplementary instruction and increases students' chances for academic success by helping them get the most out of their textbooks.
Buku Kimia Dasar ini mencakup pengertian-pengertian dasar baik anorganik, organik, maupun fisika yang menjadi landasan untuk mempelajari ilmu kimia lebih lanjut. Pengertian-pengertian teori atom, t…
It has a list of Notations. The contents are: Introduction, Kinetics of Homogeneous Reactions, Design Fundamentals, Homogeneous Reactor Design Isothermal Conditions, Temperature Effects in Homogene…
Technology influences society, and society influences technology—but how? The newly updated 11th edition of TECHNOLOGY AND THE FUTURE helps you answer that question and others with a diverse coll…
First published in 1934, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with an expert source of chemical engineering information and data. Now updated to r…