Buku ini terbagi atas beberapa bagian. Bagian A, terdiri dari empat bab, berisi pengetahuan dasar yang perlu untuk menyelami lebih dalam ilmu penge- tahuan nuklir. Bagian B, yang terdiri dari tujuh…
The treatment of unit operations given in this book emphasizes the scientific principles upon which the operations are based, and groups those with similar physical bases so that they may be consid…
Master numerical methods using MATLAB, today's leading software for problem solving. This complete guide to numerical methods in chemical engineering is the first to take full advantage of MATLA…
Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry is written to provide a reliable one-stop source of factual information for chemist. Within its pages, provided an unmatched compilation of facts, data, tabular mate…
Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, Fogler has distilled this classic into a modern, introductory-level guide specifically for undergraduates. This is the ideal resource fo…
This textbook is the first to carry the title Unit Operations, but it is not the first to treat the subject. Modern practice and equipment are emphasized as well as mathematical inter- pretation…
Dengan berkembangnya segala bentuk industri yang mempergunakan dan meng- hasilkan mesin di Indonesia, maka semakin banyak diperlukan tenaga trampil yang mampu mengatasi berbagai masalah perbaikan d…
Physical chemistry has its mathematics for a purpose: there must be a sufficient mathematical foundation in the subject for our ideas about the behavior of molecules and systems to stand up to expe…
Berdasarkan keinginan untuk sekedar menyumbangkan sesuatu kepada pembangunan kita dewasa ini, dan atas desakan serta saran dari kawan-kawan, maka kami memberanikan diri untuk menyusun buku ini. Isi…
Balram Halwai is the White Tiger - the smartest boy in his village. His family is too poor for him to afford for him to finish school and he has to work in a teashop, breaking coals and wiping tabl…