Penulisan buku ini dilakukan oleh suatu kelompok pengarang yang mempunyai profesi dalam bidang pendidikan tinggi maupun bidang industri. Adapun tujuannya terutama adalah untuk memberikan pengetahua…
The concepts and techniques of nuclear physics are not elementary in the sense that they are easily mastered They have evolved through a great deal of experimental and theoretical research and cann…
For years, the arms control issue was regarded as a complex and intimidating subject debated only by the experts. For this reason, the author, Teena Mayers, devised this book as a guide to understa…
The book bridges the gap between a course on modern physics and an advanced formal treatise on Nuclear Physics. It starts with the tools of nuclear physics, both experimental and mathematical. The …
Ilmu nuklir saat ini memiliki banyak aplikasi di bidang pertanian dan biologi. Isotop dan radiasi telah menjadi alat bantu dasar. Banyak hal mistik yang terkait dengannya dapat dikurangi dengan pem…
Contents: Part 1. Foundations of Atomic & Nuclear Physics. Part 2. The Extranuclear Structure of the Atom. Part 3. Nuclear Physics.
A classic textbook for an introductory course in nuclear reactor analysis that introduces the nuclear engineering student to the basic scientific principles of nuclear fission chain reactions and l…
Atomic Energy has proved to be an important source of electricity generation. It is cheap, has wide spread use, and environmental consequences as compared to other sources, are not at all disappoin…
The present edition of the book is revised. The excercises at the end of each chapter have been brought up-to-date and questionsfrom recent university papers have been included. Many ne solved nume…