Chemical engineers and plant operators can rely on the Third Edition of A Working Guide to Process Equipment for the latest diagnostic tips, practical examples, and detailed illustrations for pinpo…
The Handbook of Chemical Process Equipment is a major reference on process equipment. It provides practical understanding and description of the working principles, intended applications, selection…
Keberadaan limbah cangkang telur bebek sangat melimpah dengan kandungan kalsiumnya sangat tinggi, akan tetapi belum dimanfaatkan dengan optimal untuk dapat bernilai ekonomis. Kandungan kalsiumnya y…
This is the latest edition of the authoritative reference that is widely acclaimed as the best reference for up-to-date coverage of the major chemical processes and their technical and economic rel…
Atomic Information Technology revaluates current conceptions of the information technology aspects of the nuclear industry. Economic and safety research in the nuclear energy sector are explored, c…
The authors of this text aim to educate the reader on nuclear power and its future potential. It focuses on nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, and their consequences, with t…
This fully revised second edition of Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications combines rigorous academic methods with real-life industrial experience to create a unique resource for …
Judul asli : The properties of gases and liquids Buku ini mengupas secara cermat mengenai sifat gas dan zat cair baik dari tetapannya, sifat-sifat termodinamiknya, maupun teknik-teknik pendugaan…
Judul asli : Shreve's chemical process industries Buku ini menjadi sangat berharga bagi insinyur teknik kimia dan kimiawan muda yang baru saja bidang industri ini. Karena menyajikan proses-proses …
Masalah Pencemaran lingkungan, kini dirasakan semakin meningkat, terutama yang diakibatkan dari pembuangan limbah pabrik-pabrik. Pemerintah telah pula memerintahkan kepada para pimpinan pabrik/indu…