Gaya APA
Geduldig, Courtney, Dearie, John. (2013).
Where the jobs are : entrepreneurship and the soul of the American economy .
New Jersey:
McGraw Hill.
Gaya Chicago
Geduldig, Courtney, Dearie, John.
Where the jobs are : entrepreneurship and the soul of the American economy.
New Jersey:
McGraw Hill,
Buku Non-ketenaganukliran.
Gaya MLA
Geduldig, Courtney, Dearie, John.
Where the jobs are : entrepreneurship and the soul of the American economy.
New Jersey:
McGraw Hill,
Buku Non-ketenaganukliran.
Gaya Turabian
Geduldig, Courtney, Dearie, John.
Where the jobs are : entrepreneurship and the soul of the American economy.
New Jersey:
McGraw Hill,
Buku Non-ketenaganukliran.