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Rancang bangun panel variabel frequency drive trainer motor induksi AC 3 fasa
The revitalization of Kartini Reactor data acquisition done for realization of reactor utilization for Nuclear Training Center (NTC) and Internet Reactor Laboratory (IRL) using cRIO-9076 with NI 9205 modul for neck computer for acquitting secondary parameter and software LabVIEW 2015 as data processor with MySQL as database engine. The purpose of this research is to revitalize the current Kartini reactor data acquisition system to support the NTC and IRL. After revitalization, te data acquisition system can acquitted reactor operation parameter such as linear power, logarithmic power, period, control rod position and trip parameter using serial communication in 115200 baudrate. The system is aslo acquitted the secondary parameter such as inlet and outlet coolant temperature from HE tube, inlet and outlet coolant temperature from HE plate, reactor water vessel temperature, secondary and primary coolant flow, reactor water level and fuel temperature by cRIO-9076 with 1000 ms time computation with an 0.37 error deviation.rnKeyword : data acquisition, revitalization, NTC, IRL, cRIO-9076rnrn rnINTISARIrnREVITALISASI SISTEM AKUISISI DATA REAKTOR KARTINI UNTUK MENUNJANG NTC DAN IRL. Revitalisasi sistem akuisisi data reaktor Kartini dilakukan dalam usaha untuk realisasi Nuclear Training Center (NTC) dan Internet Reactor Laboratory (IRL) dengan mengaplikasikan perangkat keras cRIO-9076 dengan modul NI 9205 sebagai komputer leher yang mengakuisisi parameter sekunder dan perangkat lunak LabVIEW 2015 sebagi pengolah data serta MySQL sebagai database. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merevitalisasi sistem akuisisi data reaktor Kartini saat ini agar menunjang NTC dan IRL. Sistem akuisisi yang sudah direvitalisasi dapat mengakuisisi parameter operasi berupa daya linier, daya logaritmik, periode, posisi batang kendali, dan parameter trip menggunakan komunikasi serial dengan baudrate 115200 serta parameter sekunder reaktor berupa suhu inlet dan outlet HE tube, suhu inlet dan outlet HE plat, suhu air tangki reaktor, aliran pendingin primer, aliran pendingin sekunder pada HE tube dan plat, level ketinggian air tangki reaktor dan suhu bahan bakar melalui cRIO-9076 dengan waktu komputasi keseluruhan sebesar 1000 ms dengan deviasi sebesar 0.37.rnKata Kunci : akuisisi data, revitalisasi, NTC, IRL, cRIO-9076rnrn rnABSTRACTrnrnDESIGN OF PANEL VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE TRAINER rn3 PHASE AC INDUCTION MOTORrnDesign of panel variable frequency drive trainer 3 phase AC induction motor has been done to regulating 3 phase AC induction motor speed. The system of regulation induction motor speed based regulation of frequency input using AC motor drive with maximum of power output is 1,5 kW.rnThe system of panel devided in 3 sections, they are main supply section as main power supplier, AC motor drive as frequency regulator, and tachometer as instrument of rotation induction motor. The main supply give 3 phase output which using for AC motor drive input and tachometer input. The AC motor drive can regulating frequency in range 0-60 HZ. The Tachometer consisting of sensor section using infrared module and controller section using arduino uno.rnIn this research isolation resistance testing has been done to fulfill minimum standard an installation, in this panel show isolation resistance mean is 3024,675MΩ. So, this panel has been fulfill minimum standard which be valid is 380 kΩ. After that the AC motor drive has been got output variation frequency in 0-60 Hz range propotional to variation of voltage with linearity is 0,932 and too propotional to rotation induction motor with linearity is 0,999 and slip value is 0,062%. But variation frequency to current output has linearity is 0,419. rnrnrnrnrnKeywords : variable frequency drive, 3 phase AC induction motor, tachometer. rn
S17-9048 | 21/TA/K/17 621.313.13 NAU r | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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