Tugas Akhir
Pra rancangan pabrik CeO₂, La₂O₃ dan konsentrat Nd(OH)₃ hasil pengolahan monasit kapasitas 10.000 ton/tahun
Pabrik logam tanah jarang dapat dirancang dengan melakukan beberapa tahapan yaitu: penentuan kapasitas, penentuan teknologi proses, penentuan neraca massa, penentuan neraca panas, penentuan dimensi alat, penentuan utilitas, penentuan letak peralatan, dari peta pabrik dan menghitung kelayakan pabrik berdasarkan analisis ekonomi. Pabrik ini dirancang dengan kapasitas 10.000 ton/ tahun pada operasi 200 hari, proses yang dipakai untuk pabrik ini adalah proses digesti alkali, ukuran alat ideal untuk reaktor digesti alkali dengan diameter 4,37 m dan tinggi 6,6 m dan rotary kiln 01 dan 2 dengan masing-masing diameter (panjang) adalah 4,16 m (41,6 m) dan 2,83 m (28,3 m). Luas tanah yang dipakai untuk pendirian pabrik ini adalah sebesar 14.515m2. Utilitas yang dibutuhkan meliputi listrik sebesar 16.450,5 kW/jam, air sebanyak 258,440 m3, steam sebanyak 5.272.603 kg, dan batu bara sebanyak 424.479,15 kg. penelitian ini juga memperhitungkan analisis ekonomi menunjukkan modal tetap sebesar Rp. 826.373.955.983,63, modal kerja sebesar Rp. 689.702.338029,09, total biaya produksi Rp. 910.012.130.831,75, PM (Profit Margin) sebesar 23,34%, BEP (Break Even Point) sebesar 55,60%, ROI (Return On Investment) sebesar 12,82%, POT (Pay Out Time sebesar 4,38 tahun, RON (Return On Network) sebesar 21,35%, IRR (Internal Rate of Return) sebesar 19,55%.
Kata kunci: Logam Jarang, Cerium, Lanthanum, Neodymium, Pra rancangan, analisis ekonomi
Rare earth metal plant can be designed with few stages: Determination of capacity, determination of technology, determination of mass balance, determination of thermal balance, determination of tool dimension, determination of utility, location of equipment and plant, and calculating feasibility of the plant based on economic analysis. The plant is designed with a capacity of 10.000 tons/year on a 200 days operating time, the process that will be used is alkali digestion process, an ideal size for alkali digester reactor with a diameter of 43,7m and has a height of 6,6 m and diameter (length) of rotary kiln 01 and 02 is 4,16 m(41,6 m) and 2,38 m(23,8 m). The total land required for the establishment of this plant is 14.515 m2. Required Utilities include electricity of 16.450,5 kW/hour, water as much as 258,440 m3, steam as many as 5.272.603 kg, and coal as many as 424.479,15 kg . the result of this study also take into account economic analysis shows fixed capital Rp. 826.373.955.983,63, working capital Rp. 689.702.338029,09, total production cost Rp. 910.012.130.831,75, percentage of PM (Profit Margin) was 23,34%, percentage of BEP (Break Even Point) was 55,2%, percentage of ROI (Return on Investment) was 12,81%, point of POT (Pay Out Time) was 4,38 years, percentage of RON (Return on Network) was 21,35%, percentage of IRR (Internal Rate of Return) was 19,55%.
Keywords: rare metals, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, preplan, economic analysis
S18-0145 | 16/TA/H/18 669.85/86(043) ARB p | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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