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Desain panel simulasi sistem kendali industri palm oil refinery berbasis PLC dan LabVIEW sebagai HMI
Tahun 2016 Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (PKS) di Indonesia memproduksi CPO sekitar 34,5 juta ton dengan angka ekspor sebesar 25,1 juta ton. Sedangkan 9,4 juta ton diolah oleh 47 industri Palm Oil Refinery (POR) yang masing-masing industri mampu mengolah 608.828,00 liter perhari. Dalam rangka meningkatkan pemahaman industri POR kepada masyarakat maka perlu dibuat simulasi proses industri POR. Simulasi proses penyulingan POR diharapkan dapat menciptakan pengusaha baru dibidang pengolahan CPO. Telah dibuat desain panel simulasi sistem kendali industri POR berbasis PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) dan LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) sebagai HMI (Human Machine Interface) dimana simulasi tersebut menggambarkan tentang proses degumming, bleaching, dan deodorizing pada proses penyulingan CPO menjadi minyak goreng. Desain yang telah dibuat tersebut dilakukan pengujian dengan survei kepuasan responden terhadap 60 responden yang terdiri dari mahasiswa yang kuliah di berbagai bidang dengan sangat puas 36%, puas 46,33%, cukup puas 17,33%, tidak puas 0,33%, dan sangat tidak puas 0%. Jadi, desain tersebut layak sebagai bahan ajar dan sosialisasi industri POR. rn rnKata kunci: PKS, POR, LabVIEW, PLC, CPO, HMI, degumming, bleaching, deodorizing, penyulingan, minyak goreng, sosialisasi, bahan ajar. rnrnABSTRACT In 2016 the Palm Oil Mill (POM) in Indonesia produced CPO of around 34.5 million tons per year with an export figure of 25.1 million tons. While 9.4 million tons were processed by 47 Palm Oil Refinery (POR) industries, each of which was able to process 608,828.00 liters per day. In order to improve understanding of the POR industry to the public, it is necessary to make a POR industrial process simulation. The simulation of the POR refining process is expected to create new entrepreneurs in the field of CPO processing. A panel design simulation system for POR industrial control systems based on PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) has been made as an HMI (Human Machine Interface) where the simulation describes the process of degumming, bleaching, and deodorizing in the process of refining CPO into cooking oil. The design that has been made is tested by respondent satisfaction survey of 60 respondents consisting of students studying in various fields with very satisfied 36%, satisfied 46.33%, quite satisfied 17.33%, dissatisfied 0.33%, and very dissatisfied 0%. So, the design is feasible as a teaching material and socialization of the POR industry. rn rnKeywords: POM, POR, LabVIEW, PLC, CPO, HMI, degumming, bleaching, deodorizing, refining, cooking oil, socialization, teaching materials.
S18-0176 | 33/TA/K/18 621.52:629.11.014(043) MUH d | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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