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Inspeksi pompa pendingin sekunder reaktor kartini dengan metode infrared testing thermography
INSPEKSI POMPA PENDINGIN SEKUNDER REAKTOR KARTINI DENGAN METODE INFRARED TESTING THERMOGRAPHY. Inspeksi dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi pompa pendingin sekunder Reaktor Kartini berdasarkan pemantauan temperatur yang ditampilkan oleh kamera infrared type Flir E60. Pengujian dilakukan pada motor pompa, yang berfungsi sebagai tenaga pengerak dalam sirkulasi pendinginan sekunder Reaktor Kartini. Setelah didapatkan data berupa temperatur maksimal berdasarkan lama waktu pengujian pompa, kemudian dilakukan olah data dengan menggunakan aplikasi flir tools. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan standard NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association). Hasil dari analisis didapatkan pompa 1 dengan garis regresi linier y = 0.2958x + 32.449 dan y = 0.07x + 40.806, pompa 2 dengan garis regresi linier y = 0.458x + 32.213 dan y = 0.0908x + 45.254 kemudian pompa 3 dengan garis regresi linier y = 0.7024x + 33.099 dan y = 0.1295x + 54.541 setelah dilakukan analisi berdasarkan standard NEMA ketiga pompa masih dalam kondisi baik (normal). rn rnKata kunci: pompa pendingin sekunder, Infrared testing thermography. rnrnABSTRACT rn rnINSPECTION OF KARTINI REACTOR SECONDARY COOLING PUMPS WITH INFRARED TESTING THERMOGRAPHY METHOD. This inspection is carried out to determine the condition of the Kartini Reactor secondary coolant pump based on monitoring the temperature displayed by infrared type Flir E60 camera. The test is performed on the pump motor, which acts as a driving force in the secondary cooling circulation of the Kartini Reactor. After data obtained in the form of maximum temperature based on the duration of the test of the pump, then done though the data using flir tools application. The analysis is done according to NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) standard. The result of the analysis was obtained by pump 1 with linear regression line y = 0.2958x + 32.449 and y = 0.07x + 40.806, pump 2 with linear regression line y = 0.458x + 32.213 and y = 0.0908x + 45.254 then pump 3 with linear regression line y = 0.7024x + 33.099 and y = 0.1295x + 54541 after the analysis is done based on NEMA standard the three pumps are still in good condition (normal). rn rnKey words: secondary coolant pump, Infrared testing thermography. rn
S18-0211 | 25/TA/M/18 621.039(043) ARF i | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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