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Pengaruh suhu terhadap hasil pengujian liquid penetrant pada superheater tube boilet
PENGARUH SUHU TERHADAP HASIL PENGUJIAN LIQUID PENETRANT PADA SUPERHEATER TUBE BOILER. Keterbatasan waktu dalam melakukan inspeksi superheater pada saat overhaul, membuat inspektor melakukan kegiatan pengujian liquid penetrant di atas suhu yang telah ditentukan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan hasil yang didapat dari inspeksi superheater tube boiler mengindikasikan cacat palsu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui suhu optimal serta dampak dari pengujian diatas suhu yang telah ditentukan pada ASME boiler and pressure vessel code menggunakan metode liquid penetrant testing. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 merek penetrant yang berbeda serta benda uji berupa superhater tube boiler. Penyemprotan cairan penetrant dilakukan pada suhu normal yaitu 30 oC – 52 oC dan diatas suhu normal yaitu 53 oC – 65 oC. Hasil gambar crack terbaik serta mudah dibaca terdapat pada pengujian disuhu 40 oC dimerek A, B dan C. Untuk pengujian disuhu 53 oC – 65 oC tingkat ketebalan crack tidak jelas dan susah dibaca. rnKata kunci: Liquid penetrant testing, Superheater tube boiler, suhu, ASME boiler and pressure vesselrnrnABSTRACT rnTHE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON LIQUID PENETRIDER TEST RESULT ON SUPERHEATER TUBE BOILER. Limitations of time in conducting superheater inspections during overhaul, allowing inspectors to conduct liquid penetrant testing activities above pre-determined temperatures. This results in results obtained from the superheater inspection tube boiler indicating a false defect. This study aims to determine the optimal temperature and the impact of testing above the temperature that has been determined in ASME boiler and pressure vessel code using liquid penetrant testing method. This study uses 3 different penetrant brands and test specimens in the form of a superhater tube boiler. Spraying of penetrant fluid is carried out at normal temperature of 30 oC – 52 oC and above normal temperature is 53 oC – 65 oC. The best crack and easy to read image results are tested at 40 °C A, B and C. For testing at temperature 53 oC – 65 oC crack thickness level is not clear and hard to read. Keywords: Liquid penetrant testing, Superheater tube boiler, temperature, ASME boiler and pressure vessel
S18-0222 | 4/TA/M/18 543.27.5(043) SET p | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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