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Pengembangan sistem kendali suhu SCWR berbasis logika Fuzzy
SCWR (Super Critical Pressure Light Water Reactor) merupakan salah satu jenis reaktor nuklir generasi ke-4 yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan di banyak negara maju. Parameter-parameter utama operasi reaktor SCWR meliputi suhu pendingin keluaran, daya dan tekanan reaktor. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, sistem kendali suhu pendingin keluaran dan daya reaktor SCWR sudah dirancang dengan menggunakan pengendali PID kemudian telah dikembangkan sistem kendali parameter suhu pendingin keluaran reaktor SCWR berbasis logika fuzzy. Namun logika fuzzy yang digunakan masih berupa 2 varibel fuzzy dan 2 aturan (rules). Oleh karena itu dilakukan pengembangan sistem kendali SCWR, dalam hal ini untuk parameter suhu keluaran pendingin berbasis logika fuzzy dengan penambahan variabel linguistik dan rules. Hasil unjuk kerja sistem diuji dengan diberikan gangguan berupa penarikan batang kendali, menggunakan kendali berbasis logika fuzzy akan mengembalikan suhu keluaran reaktor sebesar 505.46 oC.rnrnKata kunci : Sistem kendali, Suhu pendingin keluaran, SCWR, Logika Fuzzy.rn rnABSTRACTrnSCWR (Super Critical pressure light Water Reactor) is one of the 4th generation nuclear reactors currently being developed in many developed countries. The main parameters of operation of the SCWR reactor include the output coolant temperature, power and reactor pressure. In the previous study, the temperature control system of the output coolant and SCWR reactor power has been designed using PID controllers and a control system for the output coolant temperature and SCWR reactor has been developed based on fuzzy logic. But the fuzzy logic used that is 2 fuzzy variables and 2 rules (rules). Therefore, the SCWR control system is developed in this case for the output coolant temperature parameters based on fuzzy logic with the addition of linguistic variable and rules. The results of the system performance are tested by giving a disturbance in the form of control rod withdrawal, fuzzy logic based control will return the reactor output temperature of 505.46 oC.rnKeywords: Control System, Output coolant temperature, SCWR, Fuzzy Logic.rnrn rn
S19-0161 | 37/TA/K/19 621.52:629 ANG p | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir (600) | Tersedia |
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