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Peningkatan kinerja superkapasitor berbasis PAni-go-selulosa-lantanum menggunakan modifikasi permukaan current collector dan iradisi gamma
Kinerja superkapasitor berbasis PAni-GO-SelulosaLantanum telah berhasil ditingkatkan melalui modifikasi permukaan current collector aluminium menggunakan metode etsa kimia dan elektroda PAni-GO-SelulosaLantanum yang diiradiasi gamma pada variasi konsentrasi polyvivynilidene fluoride (PVDF). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh kekasaran permukaan current collector, konsentrasi binder PVDF, dan dosis iradiasi gamma terhadap interface resistance, internal resistance, konduktivitas, dan kapasitansi superkapasitor PAni-GO-Selulosa-Lantanum. Kekasaran permukaan current collector Al dikarakterisasi menggunakan mikroskop dan pengukuran contact angle, sedangkan resistansi, konduktivitas, dan kapasitansi dianalisis menggunakan multimeter. Kekasaran permukaan current collector dapat meningkatkan area kontak antara elektroda dan current collector melalui peningkatan gaya adhesi. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa proses etsa kimia sampai konsentrasi NaNO3 0,4 N dapat menurunkan interface resistance mencapai 305 Ω dan internal resistance 353,65 Ω, diikuti kenaikan konduktivitas menjadi 403,43 μS/cm Disamping itu, pembentukan pounch elektroda dengan penggunaan binder PVDF 10 % dapat meningkatkan kinerja superkapasitor dengan nilai interface resistance, internal resistance, konduktivitas dan kapasitansi spesifik masing-masing 259,67 Ω, 378,33 Ω, 377,11 μS/cm dan 64,73 μF/g. Fungsionalisasi gugus karboksil dengan iradiasi gamma dengan dosis optimum 40 kGy pada konsentrasi binder PVDF 10 % dan konsentrasi etsa NaNO3 0,4 N dapat meningkatkan sifat hidrofilisitas dan sifat mekanik elektroda yang dapat membantu proses dispersi elektron sehingga diperoleh nilai interface resistance 109,67 Ω, internal resistance 122,63 Ω, konduktivitas 1160 μS/cm, dan kapasitansi spesifik 183,12 μF/g.
Kata kunci : current collector, elektroda, iradiasi gamma, etsa kimia, interface resistance, konduktivitas, kapasitansi
Perfomance of supercapacitor based PAni-GO-CelluloseLanthanum has been improved by modifying the surface of aluminium current collector using chemical etching methods and gamma irradiation of PANI-GOCellulose-Lanthanum electrodes on variation concentration of (polyvynilidine fluoride) PVDF. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of surface roughness of current collector,concentration of PVDF, and dose of gamma irradiation to interfce resistence, internal resistance,conductivity, and capacitance supercapacitor PAni-GO-Cellulose-Lanthanum. The surface roughness of Al current collector is characterized using a microscope and contact angle measurements, while resistance, conductivity, and capacitance values are analyzed using a multimeter. The roughness of the current collector surface can increase the contact area between the electrode and the current collector by increasing the adhesion force. The experimental show that the chemical etching process on concentration NaNO3 up to 0.4 N can decrease the interface resistance reaching 305 Ω and internal resistance 353.65 Ω, followed by increased conductivity to 403.43 μS/cm In addition, the formation of electrode with the use of 10% PVDF binders can improve the performance of supercapacitors with interface resistance, internal resistance, conductivity, and specific capacitance values of 259.67 Ω, 378.33 Ω, 377.11 μS/cm, and 64.73 μF / g respectively. Functionalization of carboxyl group with gamma irradiation with optimum dosage of 40 kGy at 10% PVDF binder and etching concentration of NaNO3 0.4 N can improve hydrophilic and mechanical properties of electrode to assist electron dispersion process so that obtained interface resistance 109.67 Ω, internal resistance 122.63 Ω, conductivity 1160 μS/cm and specific capacitance 183.12 μF / g.
Keywords: current collector, electrode, gamma irradiation, chemical etching, interface resistance, conductivity
S18-0135 | 17/TA/H/18 664.8.039.5(043) CLA p | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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