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Rotating equipment inspection pada pompa pendingin sekunder reaktor kartini dengan metode analisis spektrum vibrasi
Rotating Equipment Inspection pada Pompa Pendingin Sekunder Reaktor Kartini dengan Metode Analisis Spektrum Vibrasi Vibrasi Sistem pendingin sekunder berfungsi untuk membuang panas dari sistem pendingin primer kelingkungan agar suhu elemen bahan bakar tetap berada di bawah batas keselamatan suhu operasi yang ditetapkan. Salah satu komponen utamanya adalah pompa, pemantauan kondisi pompa sangat diperlukan salah satunya dengan metode analisis vibrasi. Dengan menggunakan analisis vibrasi, jenis penyebab kerusakan pada pompa dapat dideteksi tanpa melakukan pembongkaran pompa, sehingga dapat memberikan prediktabilitas pemeliharaan waktu, penjadwalan perbaikan, mengambil peralatan yang rusak sebelum kondisi berbahaya. Pengukuran vibrasi dengan vibration meter (luctron VB 8202) dilakukan diempat bagian bearing housing pompa pendingin sekunder yaitu: motor, coupling, pump inboard, dan pump outboard pada arah: vertikal, horizontal dan aksial. Nilai dari alat vibration meter akan dibandingkan dengan standar vibrasi pompa (ISO 10816-3) untuk diketahui kondisinya berdasar standar. Dari hasil pengukuran vibrasi pompa, terdapat beberapa bagian pompa yang kondisinya tergolong dalam vibration that can cause damage komponen tersebut yaitu dibagian motor pompa 1 dan pompa 3, dibagian coupling pompa 3, dan dibagian pump inboard pompa 2. Hasil dari analisis symptoms spektrum vibrasi nilai yang abnormal pada pompa 1 disebabkan oleh rotating looseness dan kerusakan pada roller bearing, pada pompa 2 vibrasi yang abnormal disebabkan oleh paralell missalignment dan kerusakan pada roller bearing diouter race, pada pompa 3 vibrasi yang abnormal disebabkan oleh cocked bearing, bent shaft, pedestal bearing looseness, paralell missalignment dan kerusakan roller bearing. Kata Kunci: Analisis Vibrasi, Pompa Pendingin Sekunder, Reaktor Kartini rn rnKata Kunci: Analisis Vibrasi, Pompa Pendingin Sekunder, Reaktor Kartini rnrnAbstarct rn rnRotating Equipment Inspection at Kartini Reactor Secondary Cooling Pump using Vibration Spectrum Analysis. The secondary cooling system functionate to remove the heat from the primary cooling system into the enviroment in order to keep the fuel element temperature under the specified operating temperature safety limits. One of the main components are pump, considering the importance of pump function in the reactor cooling system, predictive maintenance to know the machinery condition, efficiency are very importance. A common and effective method is to perform vibration analysis. By analyzing the symptoms of the vibration spectrum it can be seen the cause of the damage to the pump without disassembling the pump. Vibration measurements using vibration meter (lutron VB 8202) are performed in four parts of the secondary cooling pump bearing housing: motor, coupling, pump inboard, and pump outboard all four parts are done in three directions: vertical, horizontal and axial. The value of the vibration meter device will be compared to the vibration severity (ISO 10816-3) to know the condition based on the standard and to determine which pump have a problem so it needs to be analyzed using the vibration spectrum. After measurement with vibration meter and compared with ISO 10816-3 standard there are some abnormal result. Analysis of pump vibratory abnormalities is done by using FFT spectrum vibration. From the analysis, there are some parts of the pump that have bad vibration conditions, which can cause damage to other components, that is: at the motor of pump 1 and pump 3, at the coupling of pump 3, and at the pump inboard of pump 2. Results from symptom vibration spectrum analysis, the abnormal vibration value of pump 1 caused by rotating looseness and roller bearing damage, on pump 2 abnormal vibrations value caused by parallel misalignment and damage of the roller bearing in the outter race, on pump 3 abnormal vibration value caused by cocked bearing, bent shaft, pedestal bearing looseness, paralell missalignment and damage of the roller bearing. rn rnKeywoards: Vibration analysis, Secondary Cooling Pump, Kartini Reactor rn
S18-0225 | 16/TA/M/18 621.039(043) ADA r | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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