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Desain emergency condenser dan analisis sirkulasi natural saat tekanan superkritis sirkulasi natural saat tekanan superkritis untuk mitigasi total loss of feedwater flow accident pada super fast reactor dengan kode SPRAT
Kecelakaan pada reaktor nuklir Fukushima menunjukkan kegagalan sistem keselamatan aktif sehingga pengunaan sistem keselamatan pasif menjadi aspek penting dalam pengembangan reaktor nuklir berikutnya. Sistem keselamatan pasif memiliki prinsip kerja menggunakan gaya alami seperti perbedaan densitas, tekanan dan gravitasi sebagai gaya geraknya seperti fenomena sirkulasi natural. Saat terjadi kecelakaan, sirkulasi natural berguna untuk mengambil panas sisa peluruhan setelah reaktor shutdown. Namun, pada Super Fast Reactor belum dilakukan analisis lebih mendalam mengenai sirkulasi natural pada tekanan superkritis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa aliran sirkulasi natural pada Super Fast Reactor saat tekanan superkritis dengan menggunakan kode SPRAT untuk mitigasi Total loss of feedwater flow accident. Kode SPRAT dikembangkan dengan menambahkan sistem emergency condenser yang akan membangkitkan aliran natural saat kecelakaan tersebut. Dimensi pipa condenser yang digunakan berdasarkan desain konsep yaitu panjang pipa 10 meter, tebal pipa 10 mm, diameter 4,5 cm , dan banyak pipa 1000. Dengan ketinggian kondenser lebih dari 2 meter, besarnya aliran natural yang dihasilkan lebih besar dari 5% dari aliran pendingin normal (1200 kg/s) dan suhu kelongsong bahan bakar dapat dimitigasi sehingga potensi pelelehan teras reaktor dapat dihindari. rnKata kunci : Sirkulasi natural, Tekanan superkritis, Total loss of feedwaer flow accident, Super Fast Reactor, Kode SPRAT rnrnABSTRACT rnAccident at the Fukushima nuclear reactor showed the failure of the active safety system, so that the used of passive safety system are important aspect to be considered in developing nuclear reactor. Passive safety system use the basic principles of natural forces as difference of density, pressure and gravitation which is known as natural circulation phenomenon. In the event of an accident, natural circulation is used to take the residual decay heat after the reactor has not been shutdown. However, analysis of natural circulation at supercritical pressure on the Super Fast Reactor has been not done yet. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of natural circulation flow on Super Fast Reactor at supercritical pressure to mitigate total loss of feedwater flow accident. The analysis has been done by using SPRAT code. The code are developed to simulate the addition of emergency condenser system that will generate natural flow during the accident. The purpose dimension of condenser pipes based on the conceptual design, that are 10 meters of length, 10 milimeters of thickness, 4,5 centimeters of diameter and using 1000 pipes. When the height of condenser more than 2 meters, the result of natural flowrate is greater than 5 % of the normal coolant flow (1200 kg/s) and the temperature of the fuel cladding can be mitigated so that the reactor core melting potential can be avoided. rnKeywords: Natural circulation, Supercritical pressure, Total loss of feedwater flow accident, Super Fast Reactor, SPRAT code
S18-0183 | 3/TA/K/18 614:39.12(043) DHE d | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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