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Simulasi pengoperasian reaktor Kartini menggunakan DCS simulator panel Centum VP
Simulation operation of Kartini Reactor has been constructed using DCS Simulator Panel with Centum VP software. Whereas the previous research was limited to simulations via HMI only, so it is connected to DCS Simulator Panel to be able to input or observe output directly. The simulation program is created with programming blocks, displayed on HMI and connected to DCS Simulator Panel. The controlled parameters in this simulation include power, control rods reactivity, ATR temperature, ring B temperature, flowrate primary coolant, and secondary coolant. Operation startup, power level, shutdown and scram have been successfully built using DCS Simulator Panel. Simulation operation data is validated with data operation of Kartini Reactor. In HMI, the difference of control rod reactivity number is 0.23%, and 0.25% in the panel display. In the HMI obtained the differences of power of 37.68%, and 37.58% on the panel display. This is because every single change in Digital Input panel will give ± 1.7% change. rn Keywords: simulation, simulator. panel, Centum VP, power, reactivity, start-up, operation, shut-down, scram. rnABSTRAK rn SIMULASI PENGOPERASIAN REAKTOR KARTINI MENGGUNAKAN DCS SIMULATOR PANEL CENTUM VP. Telah dibangun simulasi pengoperasian Reaktor Kartini menggunakan DCS Simulator Panel dengan software Centum VP. Penelitian sebelumnya hanya sebatas simulasi melalui HMI, sehingga dihubungkan ke DCS Simulator Panel untuk dapat diberi input atau mengamati output secara langsung. Program simulasi dibuat dengan blok-blok pemrograman, ditampilkan pada HMI dan dihubungkan dengan DCS Simulator Panel. Parameter yang dikendalikan pada simulasi ini meliputi daya, reaktivitas batang kendali, suhu ATR, suhu ring B, debit pendingin primer, dan debit pendingin sekunder. Operasi start-up, tingkat daya, shutdown dan scram telah berhasil dilakukan menggunakan DCS Simulator Panel. Data simulasi operasi divalidasi dengan data operasi Reaktor Kartini. Pada HMI diperoleh perbedaan reaktivitas batang kendali sebesar 0,23%, dan 0,25% pada tampilan panel. Pada HMI diperoleh perbedaan daya sebesar 37,68%, dan 37,58% pada tampilan panel. Hal ini dikarenakan setiap satu kali perubahan pada panel Digital Input akan memberikan perubahan ±1,7%. Kata kunci : simulasi, panel, Centum VP, daya, reaktivitas, start-up, operasi, shutdown, scram.
S17-9032 | 24/TA/K/17 621.039.56 ROF s | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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