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Prarancangan unit proses pabrikasi coating kernel UO₂ dengan kapasitas 1 ton/tahun
Pabrik coating kernel UO2 dapat dirancang dengan melakukan beberapa tahapan yaitu: penentuan kapasitas, penentuan teknologi proses, perhitungan neraca massa, perhitungan neraca panas, perancangan alat, penentuan letak peralatan dan peta pabrik, dan perhitungan kelayakan pabrik berdasarkan analisis ekonomi. Pabrik coating kernel UO2 memiliki kapasitas 10 ton / tahun dengan waktu operasi 330 hari, proses yang digunakan dalam coating kernel uranium oksida adalah proses metoda chemical vapour deposition. Ukuran reaktor pelapisan porous pyrocarbon, inner pyrocarbon dan outter pyrocarbon dengan diameter dalam 1,08 m, tebal isolator 0,02 m, tebal shell 0,150 m dengan tinggi reaktor 5,54 m. Ukuran reaktor pelapisan Silicon carbide dengan diameter dalam 1,08 m, tebal isolator 0,09 m, tebal shell 0,260 m dengan tinggi reaktor 6.25 m. Utilitas meliputi listrik sebesar 924,81 kW, air sebanyak 441,836 m3. Penentuan tata letak peralatan unit proses berdasarkan faktor sistem keamanan, sistem konstruksi dan kemungkinan luas lahan serta perluasan unit proses. Unit proses akan didirikan di kota muntok, Bangka Belitung Penelitian ini juga memperhitungkan analisis ekonomi sebagai parameter pabrik layak didirikan. Hasil perhitungan kelayakan ekonomi menunjukan fix capital investment sebesar Rp 192.812.494.326,40, Working capital Rp 10.310.828.573,60, manufacturing cost Rp 406.596.300.982,24, ROI (Return On Investment) sebesar 22 % sebelum pajak dan 16 % setelah pajak, POT (Pay Out Time) sebesar 3 tahun sebelum pajak dan 3,8 tahun setelah pajak, SDP (Shut Down Point) sebesar 32,85 %, BEP (Break Even Point) sebesar 53,67 %. rnKata kunci: coating, kernel, perancangan, analisis ekonomi
The factory coating kernel UO2 can be designed by performing several steps: determination of capacity, the determination of process technology, mass and heat balance calculations, design of equipments, determining the layout of equipments and a map of the factory, and followed by the factory feasibility study based on economic analysis. The factory has a capacity of 10 tons/year UO2 coated kernel with 330 days operating time per year. The process used in the coating of uranium oxide kernel by chemical vapour deposition method. The used Reactor consist of reactor porous pyrocarbon, inner coating, silicon carbide coating, and outter coating. The dimensions of porous pyrocarbon reactor i.e a diameter 1,08 m, insulating thickness 0,02 m, thickness of shell 0,150 m and the overall height of reactor is 5,54 m. The sizes of the Silicon carbide coating reactor are a diameter in 1,08 m, insulating thickness 0,09 m, thickness of shell 0,260 m and the overall height of reactor is 6,25 m. Utilities include electricity of 924,81 kW. water as much as 441,836 m3. Determine of layout equipment considered safety factor, construction system, and expansion unit process. The unit process will be established in Muntok, Bangka Belitung The economic analysis is also taken into account as the feasibility study of the factory. Economic feasibility calculation results showed that the total fixed capital investment is Rp 192.812.494.326,40, Working capital is Rp 10.310.573,60, Manufacturing Cost is Rp 406.596.300.982,24, ROI (Return On Investment) is 22% and 16 % before tax after tax, POT (Pay Out Time) is 3 the year before tax and 3,8 the year after tax, SDP (Shut Down Point) is 32,85 %, BEP (Break Even Point) is 53,67%. rnKeyword: coating, kernel, predesign. Economic analysis
S17-9063 | 13/TA/H/17 621.039.546.53 AKB p | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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