Tugas Akhir
Rancang bangun kWh meter digital dengan sensor arus ACS712 berbasis mikrokontroler
It has been built a system of digital KWH meter is used to calculate the amount of electrical power consumed by the consumer and display it in more detail. System design is that by utilizing the current sensor ACS712ELC-30A as a sensor for measuring the electrical power consumed by the current through it. The output voltage of this sensor will be input to the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). In addition to data from the sensor output current, the voltage sensor in the form of step-down transformer also be input to the ADC. Data from the ADC will be processed on Atmega microcontroller and then displayed on the LCD. The test results in making KWH meter is the largest deviation 0.044 and R2 is 0.999 with the standard tools with amperemeter and a multimeter
Keywords: KWH meter, ACS712ELC-30A current sensor, Atmega microcontroller, step down transformerrn
S12-0712 | 27/TA/K/12 539(043) EVE e | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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