Tugas Akhir
Kondisioning limbah krom menggunakan bahan dasar keramik dengan aditif Pb₃O₄ dan TSG 107
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat immobilisasi limbah krom dalam keramik yang telah ditambahkan aditif Pb3O4 dan TSG 107, fungsi aditif, serta mengetahui kondisi (komposisi dan suhu) terbaik pada proses pembuatan monolit keramik yang mampu mengungkung limbah krom. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mencampur limbah krom, lempung, kaolin, feldspar, dan air pada perbandingan yang bervariasi. Penambahan air divariasi dari 8%-12%, limbah krom dari 1%-5%, serta aditif Pb3O4 dan TSG 107 dari 1%-5%. Campuran dicetak dengan diameter dan tinggi ± 2,44 cm pada tekanan 50 bar. Setelah kering, monolit dibakar pada suhu 700oC-1100oC, selanjutnya dilakukan uji susut bakar, uji serap air, analisis densitas, uji kuat tekan, uji lindi dengan metode TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure), dan karakterisasi material dengan difraksi sinar-X yang dilakukan pada kondisi terbaik. TCLP dilakukan dengan mencampurkan 3 gram sampel dengan 60 mL asam asetat 0,1 N, dan digunakan shaker untuk proses ekstraksi dengan kecepatan 90 rpm selama 18 jam. Kondisi terbaik dicapai saat penambahan air pembentukan 8%, limbah krom 5%, serta aditif Pb3O4 dan TSG 107 sebanyak 5%, dengan suhu pembakaran 1000oC. Pada kondisi ini diperoleh kualitas monolit keramik terbaik yang memenuhi standar produk keramik limbah dengan nilai susut bakar 15,183%, serap air 10,079%, densitas 1,801gr/cm3, kuat tekan 3864,045 ton/m2, dan dengan kadar krom total terlindi sebesar 1,533 ppm. Sementara itu berdasarkan difraktogram XRD, dibuktikan bahwa aditif Pb3O4 dan TSG 107 mampu mempercepat dekomposisi mineral serta menghasilkan eskolaite pada monolit keramik limbah krom.
Kata Kunci : Keramik Limbah Krom, Kondisioning, Aditif Pb3O4 dan TSG 107, TCLP, XRD
The purpose of this research was to determine the level of chrome waste immobilization in ceramic that have been added Pb3O4 and TSG 107 additives, the function of additives, and also to know the best conditions (composition and temperature) in the production of ceramic monoliths are able to confine the chrome waste. The research was done by mixing of chrome waste, clay, caoline, feldspar, and forming water on ratio variation. The added of water was be variated from 8% to 12%, addition of chrome waste from 1% to 5%, and addition of Pb3O4 and TSG 107 additives from 1% to 5%. The ceramic matrix was formed with ±2.44 cm in diameter and ±2.44 cm in high, at pressure 50 bar. Monolith was to fired at 700oC to 1100oC after dry, and then tested by weight reduction test, water absorption test, analysis of density, compressive strength test, leachate test by TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) method, and material characterization with X-ray diffraction at the best condition. TCLP was performed by mixing 3 grams sample with 60 mL acetic acid 0.1 N, and used shaker for the extraction process with speed of 90 rpm for 18 hours. The best condition was achieved when the adding forming water of 8%, chrome waste of 5%, Pb3O4 and TSG additives of 5%, and firing temperature of 1000oC. At this condition was obtained qualified monolith ceramic that fulfilled as waste ceramic product standard with a value of weight reduction 15.183%, water absorption 10.079%, density 1.801 g/cm3, compressive strength 3864.045 ton/m2, and total chrom in the leachet was 1.533 ppm. Meanwhile, based on XRD difraktogram, proved that the Pb3O4 and TSG 107 additives is able to accelerate the decomposition of minerals and produce eskolaite on ceramic monoliths of chrom waste.
Key Words : Ceramic of Chrome Waste, Conditioning, Pb3O4 and TSG 107 additives, TCLP, XRDrn
S11-0353 | 19/TA/H/11 621.039.7.14(043) RIS k | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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