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Aplikasi sensor suhu IC LM-335 sebagai perlengkapan pengaman motor listrik induksi asinkron tiga fasa
Penggunaan motor listrik asinkron 3 fasa sebagai penggerak pompa air pendingin sangatlah penting untuk menunjang peralatan laboratorium IRM P2TBDU – BATAN, Dalam operasinya, motor listrik tersebut cendrung mengeluarkan panas yang diakibatkan oleh kerugian-kerugian internal motor, selain itu motor ini juga mengalami peningkatan panas yang diakibatkan oleh gangguan eksternal yaitu suhu keliling, sirkulasi udara yang tidak sempurna, pembebanan berlebihan dan sistem pengasutan yang tidak baik. Pengamanan standar yaitu overload (bimetal) merupakan suatu jenis pengaman yang mendeteksi peningkatan panas yang diakibatkan oleh arus listrik yang melewatinya dan tidak dapat mendeteksi panas yang ditimbulkan oleh gangguan eksternal motor. IC LM-335 merupakan salah satu jenis sensor suhu yang dapat mendeteksi panas yang ditimbulkan oleh gangguan eksternal motor. Penelitian alat sensor suhu dengan menggunakan IC LM-335 dilakukan pada motor listrik penggerak pompa sirkulasi air pendingin di IRM P2TBDU – BATAN. Alat sensor tersebut diletakkan pada isolasi kumparan motor dan dihubungkan dengan sistem pengendali motor dengan perantara relai sebagai saklar pemutus. Hasilnya alat tersebut dapat bekerja dengan baik, berdasarkan indikasi dari tiga lampu indikator yang mewakili daerah kerja suhu motor listrik. Selanjutnya pengamanan ini (LM-35) ada baiknya ditambahklan pada motor listrik untuk meminimalisasi terbakarnya kumparan motor listrik.
The three-phase induction electric motor functions as a power drive for chilled water recirculating pump for process cooling water system could be an important equipment in Radiometalurugy Installation (RMI) P2TBDU – BATAN as laboratory utility. During the operation, the electric motor tends to release some heats as a result of the electric motor internal losses and beside of that the electric motor temperature could be increased by the external disturbances such as surrounding temperature, bad air recirculation, the overload condition and the bad starting system. Eventhough the installed electric motor equipped with bimetallic temperature sensor, during the operation that could be found some problems such as the breakdown of the motor stator winding caused by the heat raised during the operation. The IC LM-335 as a kind of the temperature sensor could function to detect the temperature rising in the motor stator winding during the operation that the short circuit in stator winding could be avoided. The research had be done to IC LM-335 temperature sensor by the application that sensor in the electric motor functions as power drive in recirculating pump installed in IRM P2TBDU – BATAN. The sensor was inserted in the insulation of stator winding and connected to the motor control system with a relay. The results of the research were shown that IC LM-335 had well worked by indicating the three indicator lamps functioned as a representation of temperature range during the operation of the electric motor. Further more, the results also could give the information that the IC LM-335 should be reliable to be a safety protection for the three phase induction electric motor based on the temperature rising in the stator winding during the motor operation.
S05-1997 | 19/TA/M/5 621.313(043) TUA a | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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