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Immobilisasi sludge Mg(OH)₂ hasil pengolahan kimia limbah cair menggunakan mineral lokal
Sludge merupakan hasil proses pengolahan limbah cair secara kimia. Salah satu alternatif pengolahannya adalah immobilisasi dengan memanfaatkan mineral lokal (lempung). Lempung sampai saat ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal, padahal dari sifat-sifatnya mempunyai potensi untuk menunjang kehidupan makhluk hidup. rnTujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peranan lempung dalam mengungkung sludge Mg(OH)2 hasil pengolahan kimia limbah cair, mendapatkan suhu pembakaran monolit keramik terbaik dan mengetahui komposisi penambahan kandungan sludge Mg(OH)2. Penelitian dilakukan pada suhu pembakaran 9000C, 9500C, 10000C, 10500C, 11000C dan kandungan sludge Mg(OH)2 0%; 2,5%; 5%; 7,5%; 10%; 12,5% dan 15%. Monolit keramik diuji tekan dan diuji daya serapnya terhadap air.rnHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi suhu pembakaran monolit, kuat tekan monolit semakin besar, daya serapnya terhadap air semakin rendah, densitasnya semakin besar. Semakin besar kandungan sludge Mg(OH)2 yang ditambahkan, kuat tekan monolit semakin kecil, daya serapnya terhadap air semakin tinggi, densitas monolit semakin rendah. Monolit keramik terbaik dengan 7,5% sludge Mg(OH)2 diperoleh pada suhu pembakaran 11000C dengan kuat tekan 5,336 KN/cm2 dan daya serapnya terhadap air 10,895 %. Penambahan sludge Mg(OH)2 sampai dengan 15% belum berpengaruh terhadap proses immobilisasi karena kuat tekan monolit masih menunjukkan kuat tekan yang baik (3,197 KN/cm2), daya serap terhadap air 12,621%.
Sludge is a product of chemically liquid waste processing. One of the processing alternatives is immobilization by using local mineral (clay). Until recently clay has not been used optimally while its nature is potential for supporting the life of human life. rnThe aims of the observation are to know the role of clay in shackling sludge Mg(OH)2 of the product of chemically liquid waste processing, to get the best burning temperature of ceramic monolith and to know the composition of sludge Mg(OH)2 content adding. The observation was conducted on the burning temperature of 9000C, 9500C, 10000C, 10500C, 11000C and sludge Mg(OH)2 contents of 0%; 2,5%; 5%; 7,5%; 10%; 12,5% and 15%. The ceramic monolith was tested its pressure force and its absorptive power to the water.rn
The observation result showed that the higher burning temperature of the monolith caused monolith pressure force was larger; absorptive power to the water was lower; and the density was bigger. Content of sludge Mg(OH)2 added was increase caused monolith pressure force was smaller; absorptive power to the water was higher; and the monolith density was lower. The best ceramic monolith with 7,5% sludge Mg(OH) was achieved at the burning temperature of 11000C with pressure force 5,336 KN/cm2 and absorptive power to the water 10,895%. The adding of sludge Mg(OH) up to 15% has not influenced the immobilization process because the monolith pressure force still shown the good pressure of force (3,197 KN/cm2) and absorptive power to the water 12,621%. rn
S05-2153 | 14/TA/H/05 54.002.68(043) JUL i | Perpustakaan Poltek Nuklir | Tersedia |
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